So you have one or two food products that you think should be in stores. Everyone who tries your items, loves them. Surely your items should be in shops and supermarkets. Well, If I could do it – so can you. It was one of the most exciting times of my life. Preparing took about 4 months, and I was in stores for 18 months across the UK.

If you have an ambition to get your products packaged and sold in stores. Get Started.  The time is Now. Let nothing hold you back. Make Samples. Get packaging designs. 2 or 3 different designs is good.

Get feedback on the packaging and start making approaches to stores. The Buyer is whom you want to speak to, or send an email to. Having been through the experience from start to finish, D. S. Grant offers further guidance and virtual hand-holding on the journey. 

She believes in giving 110% to enable the success of her clients.  By using her  next-generation research and contacts, She can help you navigate the daunting steps and unexpected landscapes.  With my team – we work with you to virtually manage your workflows.

 It is an challenging but fun road ahead.  I promise you.  And you never know, you could be the next big food brand like Heinz or Innocent Smoothies, or New Covent Garden Soup.

Purchase my EBOOK, with 72 pages packed with useful guides and easy follow instructions. It is downloadable Immediately. “Supplying Supermarkets”

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