Dare to Dream bigger. Your Goals should make you dizzy with excitement.
If your Dreams to not Scare you, You are not aiming High Enough.
I help you get the knowledge needed, then help build a Team for you.
Create a Strategic Plan
Imagine You Cannot Fail. Believe that you can do it and make a plan with Steps and Timed Schedules.
I work with your Imagination, Determination to catapult you to become more and more Powerful.
I help to Banish Delay and Procrastination. Let’s Go. People are depending on you, and need what you have to offer.
Implement your Plan
Make your daily to do list and get on with the tasks. Every day should move you closer to completion. Push through Barriers.
I can be your Coach or Mentor. I will save you Time and be your Accountability partner. See progress fast. You don’t have time to dilly dally.
See positive changes Weekly.
D. S. Grant is a Coach, Author, Course Creator, Designer and a Listener. Her Methods and Insights may be what you need .
Thank you for visiting this website.
Key Offers
Checkout What Ms Grant can do for you, or do with you.

Do you have an idea for a book – We can help speed your progress. Need a ghostwriter, we are here for you.
Read the Books written by D. S. Grant.
Take the amazing courses formulated and designed by D. S. Grant. Course Titles include Time Management, Supplying supermarkets and more.
A coach will get you to your goals much faster than going it alone. A stranger as a coach is also more effective than using a friend.
Promote your product or service and aim for a bigger impact on Social media. How many thousands of views is your post getting? Increase your earning power with SMART promotions
Your website is your professional window to the world. Make it count and drive traffic to it. We can get 500 to 100k visitors per day. It takes Time and/or Money and Knowledge of the best Tools to use.
Acquire Leads and Follow Up. We can provide 100 warm leads, then you need to FOLLOW up on those leads. And Keep communicating with you leads. Of course we can follow up on your behalf.
The Secret of Success
How do you define Success? Peace & Contentment? Lots of Money? Great Job? Fantastic Business? Happy Relationships? Wonderful Family? Nice Home? Nice Friends?
Success is different for different people, but all the above are generally, what people want in life. Can we achieve it all?

Books written by Author D. S. Grant between 2002 to 2024. All are Topics which touched her heart.
Comments made by others about D. S. Grant
Love the Book. You have a very different writing style. Its exciting.
You are always helping others.
Research Supervisor
“Thank you for your inspiring words
New connection
You are absolutely right – there is so much mileage in this niche. Let’s push it.
Frequently Asked Questions
I provide a Time Management Template with instructions
I also offer 15 minutes free consultation. It’s time to work on those dreams you have which need fulfilling.
I provide low cost ebooks or books and short coaching sessions. If you follow instructions in the books and short coaching sessions, you will have a sense of satisfaction, increased wellbeing, and increased income streams.
Purchase the books which you feel will enhance your life’s journey. Also book coaching sessions with me which will help you rise above the crowd. Standout as a Leader, and positively affect people’s lives. You will have a sense of satisfaction, increased wellbeing, and increased income streams.
Got questions or ideas? Let’s chat!
Yes – we can chat. .
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