How can I Help You?

Unlock the Power of Tech for Business Growth,  Career Progress and Attain those Goals

Discover the Efficiency of Tech tools and Strategies.

Free – Let’s Talk. A conversation will help.

Set up a 15 minute meeting. Share your situation and let’s work out ideas for moving forward.

Free – Time  Planning Sheet for Excel

This Time Planning Sheet helps YOU to organise your life and improve productivity. Can be used on Excel or Google Sheets

Free Time Planning Sheet for Word

Use this sheet to help plan your day – every day. Can also be used on Google Docs.

£9 – Buy the Ebook “SABOTAGE”

Other People or organisations sabotage us. Watch Out. But sometimes we sabotage ourselves

£35- Buy the Ebook “Supply Supermarkets”

Why you should Supply Supermarkets. The pros and Cons and how to make it happen.

£90 – Course Turbo Charge – Time Management

Unlock the power of Control of Your Time and see the significant increase in your productivity.

Individual Coaching – £95 per 40 mins

Save time and streamline your processes with our efficient tools and strategies.

£140 Tuition in Tech – 2 hrs or 3 x 40 mins

Virtual Training offered in: Website Creation, Website Editing, Ai, Excel, Youtube, Book Writing & Publishing, App creation

£950 – In person & Group Coaching for 6 months

Unlock the power of Strategising, Time Management, Marketing, Tech Skills & Tools to increase your Earning Power & widen your impact. 12 sessions with a mix of in person and in group coaching

£480 – Fast Coaching over One Month Transformation

Individual Coaching. A Paradigm Shift for You. Transform Your Life, Work & Business. Turbo Charge – Product Preparation, Strategizing, Time Management, Marketing, Tech Skills & Tools to increase your Earning Power & Widen your Impact. Flexible Session Times.

£140 – Private Tuition in Tech: 3  x  40 min sessions for Teens

Give the Spark from Young. Training offered in: Website Creation, Ai, Excel, Youtube, Book Writing & Publishing, App creation. Business Principles and Discipline.

Suitable for Children Age 10 to 17

£2100 – 2 to 4 people from one workplace, family or friendship group.

Training offered over 3 months. Choose your Project Focus. Time Management. Product Development. Strategy Sessions, Tech Skills Training, Marketing Training. Sales Training.


We are aware that with the best will in the world, you may have an ambition and fantastic goals, and no time. You love everything you are doing and you don’t want to drop off any activities. However you do have the funds to commission someone else to do it for you.

You can have a conversation with Dawn to explore any of the 18 options offered. Choose one and tell her what you want done. Pay the Fee then Dawn and her team will get it done for you. We can agree Project Milestones, and Time Schedules.

To proceed, book a free consultation call below.

Done for you project or business start up from the options below..

18 options done for you….
Daily Outreach to 100+ Leads
Turbo Charged Marketing
Productivity Training for your Team
Write and publish a book
Create and publish an E-course
Start a Training Academy 
Create a Fashion Business
Create a product to Sell to Shops 
Put on a Key Event 
Create an Amazon business 
Create an E-commerce business
Create a Coaching Business 
Create a YouTube channel
Create a Food-delivery outlet 
Create a Magazine
Start a Podcast
Create a Community Online
Create an Authority Website or App

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Let’s discuss how we can help you. Don’t wait any longer to improve your business!